12 Ogos 2009


Semalam aku ada layari website susuibu.. tgh dok tengok2 tu.. aku terpandang link Bagaimana nk menambahkan breastmilk?..so aku klik la link tu then ia membawa ku ke web.. BABY SNOWDROP STORE FENUGREEK.. bila aku baca, telek, tengok, nilai... aku macam berminat nk mencubanya.. ia mcm pil la.. makan untuk menambahkan susu aku ni hah.. aku skang risau sgt sbb susu dh kurang ditambah lagi stok pun tinggal 1 jek, utk besok.. lusa aku kena struggle pam la utk cukupkan.. harini pun aku just bagi 3 botol jek kt taska instead of 4 botol.. huhu.. harap2 Ira ok la.. balik jek Ummi bagi susu ek.. sabar yek.. kalo lapar sangat makanla biskut Rusk yg Ummi bekalkan tu yek..

Dalam web tu ada testimoni pengguna.. form utk order pun ada.. so aku terus isi form, then buat bayaran online.. n aku hantar email jugak supaya dorang alert order aku.. then baru tadi aku call owner dia, Puan Hanizan.. dia kata order dh ada, akan hantar harini sebab semalam pun aku order kul 5 ptg.. so actually pembelian online ni okla.. cepat n mudah takyah nk gi cari kt kedai.. klik sini.. sana.. situ..dah..

so besok kita try makan la yek.. hope susu aku akan bertambahla.. insya allah.. selain tu jugak mcm2 la aku dpt info nk tmbahkan susu nih.. so aku just try jek sume.. minum air banyak2, minum 100plus la, makan kurma la, minum susu soya, minum minuman bermalta.. sume aku dh buat.. kena pam setiap 2 jam utk stimulate susu pun aku dh buat.. tp lately susu tak kuar dgn banyak.. sekali pam dpt 1 oz jek.. kekadang tak sampai pun..huhu

dlm pemerhatian aku, ada jugak yg suh makan itu makan ini utk memperbanyakkan susu.. ada yg minum air longan la.. mcm2 la aku pun dh tak ingat.. n ada aku terbaca 1 artikel tu, dia kata actually untuk banyakkan susu, ibu2 kena seronok n happy.. sebab tu kalo org suka minum air longan bila dapat air tu susu bertambah banyak.. dia ckp cmtu sebab ada jugak yg minum air longan tapi susu tak banyak... pil ni pun.. ada yg sampai bengkak2 breast, ada jugak yg tambah sikit jek.. so takpe.. mana ada cara, aku try cuba dulu.. mana tahu kena dgn badan dan Allah nk tolong aku.. so bergatung pada percubaan aku besok.. kita tengok hasilnya k..
wish me luck to give a good milk for my baby.. Amin. ni aku paste sikit pasal fenugreek ni..

Have you ever heard of Fenugreek Seeds??Fenugreek is one of the world's oldest medicinal herbs. It has a variety of uses, including increasing breastmilk production. Fenugreek seeds contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and diosgenin (a phytoestrogen compound that seems to mimic the effects of the hormone estrogen) that promotes the milk production.

Fenugreek and Breastfeeding

Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply. Scientists do not know for sure how this happens. Some believe it is possible because breasts are modified sweat glands, and fenugreek stimulates sweat production. It has been found that fenugreek can increase a nursing mother's milk supply within 24 to 72 hours but may occur after 2 to 3 days. Once an adequate level of milk production is reached, most women can discontinue the fenugreek and maintain the milk supply with adequate breast stimulation. Many women today take fenugreek in a pill form (fenugreek seeds placed in capsules). The pills can be found at most vitamin and nutrition stores and at many supermarkets and natural foods stores. Fenugreek can also be taken in tea form, although tea is believed to be less effect than the pills.

Fenugreek is considered safe for nursing moms when used in moderation and is on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe)


The most common side effect is a maple syrup odor in urine and sweat (this is not a bad thing, it just means that the proper dosage has been reached). If overdosage it also can cause diarrhea, aggravate asthma, or hypoglycemia. Mothers who suffer from asthma, or who are allergic to peanuts, should probably not take fenugreek. Pregnant women should not take fenugreek because it can cause uterine contractions.


How long will it take effect??

Typically, increased milk production from taking Fenugreek occurs within 24 hours or sometimes 2-3 days after beginning supplementation, with full effectiveness attained within 2 weeks. Once milk flow has been successfully established, Fenugreek usage can be stopped without a corresponding interruption in breast milk flow.
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